Here is what has been on our mind lately

A djangster story on Storybook

23 February 2022

When we started work on a new home page for one of our clients, we opted to grow our toolset by introducing Storybook among other things. Here are our thoughts on it.

Beware of vendor lock-in

19 January 2022

No one likes to see a business relationship end, right? Open Source yay, Vendor lock-in nay? Let's have a deeper look.

Taking off with Salesforce

13 July 2021

Our Salesforce synchronization solution enables automatic sharing of relevant business data across departments and tools. In this article, we describe how the sharing of contract data between the custom web application of the service department and Salesforce allowed for smooth cross-department access and automated usage-based billing.

When developers burn out, platforms catch fire

8 July 2021

As software developers we constantly battle our occupational nemesis, developer burnout. And as we all know when developers burn out, platforms catch fire.

Working in a distributed team

17 June 2021

Djangsters is an extremely distributed team with teammates in four countries on two continents. What sets us apart from others is that we were working remotely before Covid made it mainstream and we’ll be working remotely long after Covid is gone. Remote work is in our DNA and I’d like to take a moment to talk about it.

Big features and how to handle them

2 June 2021

Everyone loves new big features. Stakeholders want them as they make their product more attractive to the users. Which by definition means that the features are designed for users to like them. Developers enjoy coding and big features usually have a lot of coding to do, so a perfect match, right?

Be prepared to hit the Wall

18 May 2021

If you are pioneering, you will likely hit the wall. If you walk new paths, then your favorite search engine won’t answer your questions. Here is a small story about me trying new ways to develop web applications.

Difference between Development Time and Time to Market

29 April 2021

There are two terms we’ve often seen used interchangeably that I would like to address today. These are Development Time and Time to Market. These terms embody the concept of time taken to get a feature to the end user.

You are not married to your code

8 April 2021

Code review is an integral part of a software developer’s work. A very interesting aspect of it is that a developer experiences both sides of the review process — as an author and as a reviewer.

djangsters GmbH

Vogelsanger Straße 187
50825 Köln