Today we would like to talk about one of our most recent successes. We were tasked to do an upgrade and enhancement that involved Django, Vue.js, beautiful plots and some fascinating mathematics.
At djangsters we care about security. We care so much about security that the batteries-included approach to it that Django follows is one of the main reasons Django is a fundamental building block for our web apps.
I wasn't initially excited about Vite, I mean I was excited about the idea of a faster dev server, but I wasn't a fan of Vue. Sebastian on the other hand was very excited about it, and he was right, Vite is awesome.
Scheduled or just repetitive tasks tend to feel like chores, sucking out creativity and inspiration. Regardless they still have to get done. As software developers we are not an exception in having such tasks, but we have something up our sleeve - namely skills to automate!
The benchmark results for Next.js 12 are convincing. But is it worth the switch?
The base Idea is not that weird, it’s not even new. We are just extending a Django template with javascript to give it interactivity. That’s it.
When we started work on a new home page for one of our clients, we opted to grow our toolset by introducing Storybook among other things. Here are our thoughts on it.
No one likes to see a business relationship end, right? Open Source yay, Vendor lock-in nay? Let's have a deeper look.
Our Salesforce synchronization solution enables automatic sharing of relevant business data across departments and tools. In this article, we describe how the sharing of contract data between the custom web application of the service department and Salesforce allowed for smooth cross-department access and automated usage-based billing.
As software developers we constantly battle our occupational nemesis, developer burnout. And as we all know when developers burn out, platforms catch fire.